Indubitably Good Cake

Friday, February 09, 2007

China has it part right

Okay... here is a bit of a rant... I am mad.
Why is it that stupid moronic people feel like they need to have kids? I mean if any serious person has ever told you that you are a moron, DO NOT have KIDS! Please, save the rest of us, let us never have to say behind your back, ohhh geez they have KIDS? Yikes!
I mean China has it part right by limiting people to one child. They are preventing the Morons from having more than one poor kid and then screwing him or her up. Yes you heard right, if you are a bad parent the likely hood of you having a bad child are pretty good. I hate to say it but I am sure there are statistics. Now let me clarify, I have no children, but I feel like I have good parenting skills just waiting to be let out. For instance if my child does something wrong I will have no problem saying (ohh here it is, listen close) NO. Yikes I said it, the dreaded word of 2007, worse word a child could hear in some minds NO. I will also have no problem with, limits, boundaries, morals, values, punishment (of the non violent kind) and many other things that so many parents are afraid of. YOU are the Parent not the FRIEND accept it, live by it, make it your mantra.
Try and be a good parent. If you must practice saying the word no into the mirror, to people at work and to your spouse, trust me, it feels good.....

Monday, February 05, 2007

I am home sick today so I figured that it would be a good time to catch up on my poor blog page. I have not written in so long that Nikki has posted two blogs! You know you are doing bad when the girl with no internet posts before you. Ohhh well, what can I say. I have been busy. I am working, planning a wedding, and thinking about moving. I am taking care of house hold duties alone (but only for about a month more) and shovelling all the snow. And let me tell you, all that snow shovelling takes up a lot of time. It never stops snowing!! It is really getting annoying. I mean enough already.
I have a small story for you Nikki, it seems that my dad has met your dog....
My dad was telling my sister about an ice fishing trip he went on two weekends ago. He was telling her that there was this dog , a really nice looking German Shepard that kept hanging around, leaving but always coming back to say hello and get a pat. And he kept hearing some one call out but that the dog never even took notice of the fact that her name was being called. My sister thought this was pretty fun, considering the stories you have told. She asked my dad where he was and it turns out he was in your back yard and the dog was yours. Poor you Nikki, your dog is way to friendly. Your pup even started to follow them home they had to tell it to go away. So how nice that your puppy went ice fishing with my daddy. Too funny.
Well I have no funny stories about myself so I guess that is it for now. Sorry it has taken me so long to say hello... stay with me, I am sure there will be more to come eventually.